Global Predictions Forecasting
Global Predictions uses ensemble models to forecast thousands of economic series world-wide
Discover our GP APIWe combine a diversity of data sources into our World Simulation Engine to make informed predictions and forecasts about trends, markets, and risks

Model of Models
The Global Predictions model uses a large ensemble model approach to maintain a widespread understanding of what is happening in the macro economy at all times, predicted out 12 months into the future.
AI/ML + Economics
The Global Predictions model uses a mix of Machine Learning techniques, statistical forecasting, and classic economic models combined to make both accurate, dependable, and generalized forecasts. This mix avoids overfitting and the breadth allows for prediction of non-linear extreme or fat tailed scenarios.
Focused on Accuracy
Rather than trying to tell the most compelling narrative, we are focused on forecasting accuracy. We have strong fundamental hypotheses about how the world works, but always rigorously validate our models to see if those hypotheses bear out quantitatively. The forecast models are regularly back-tested, and measured against real-world data, across 10,000s of indicator time series.